Thursday, March 14, 2013

Viva Questions and answer for IBBL Promotion


1.         How you induct an investment client?
Ans:    Character, capital, creditworthiness, collateral, capacity, past performance, Islami shariah permissibility, demand, supply, marketing network, profitability.

2.         Would you induct a politically exposed person as your investment client? Please comment?
Ans:    No, Politically imposed person may influence in sanctioning investment and other

3.         Is it mandatory to maintain a current A/C with your branch to induct a prospective investment client?
Ans:    formalities. Political person has the politically backing, so it is very difficult to

4.         How you process a composite investment proposal of Tk. 100.00 crore & above?
Ans:    recover investment amount.

# It is mandatory to maintain C/a for six months with the branch. But it is not followed
by the bank in all cases to induct a prospective client.

# In case of failure of the party to repay the investment amount or if the litigation
problem arises the party may refuse he did not avail any investment

10.       What are the consequences of improper documentation of investment?
Ans:    Incase of improper documentation, court may reject the suit file.

11.       What is the DP Note? Why it is obtained?
Ans:    It is an undertaken by the client to pay the investment amount. It is taken safeguard the investment.

12.       Why DP Note Delivery Letter is taken?
Ans:    It is the forwarding letter of D.P note wherein the client admitted that he permitted that he provided D.P. not willfully without any pressure.

13.       What are the charge documents?
Ans.    (a) D.P. Note (b) D.P delivery letter (c)  Letter of Guarantee (d) Letter of Installment (e)  Letter of disclaimer (f) Letter of pledge (g) Letter of Hypothecation.

14.       In what cases Letter of Disclaimer is obtained?
Ans:    If the stocks are stored in the third party godown or party’s , then letter of disclaimer of obtain. যখন মালামাল কোনো তৃতীয় ব্যক্তির গোডাউনে রাখা হয় কিংবা পার্টের গোডাউনে রাখা হয় তখন এটা নেয়া হয়।

15.       Within how many days charge is to be created with RJSC in case of Ltd. Company?
Ans:    21 days (after disbursement )

16.       What is the difference between equitable & registered mortgage?
Ans:    In Equitable mortgage only the original title deeds are deposited by the client signing the memorandum of deposit of title deed.
            Registered mortgage: party registered the asset/ properties in the name of Bank.
            Equitable mortgage formalities incurred low cost.
            Registered mortgage formalities incurred high cost.

17.       What are the risks should be covered in insurance policy?
Ans:    Fire, Riot, strike, damage, earth quack, vulgarly, theft, pilferage, non delivery, detrotion of stock.

19.       What is Pari-passu charge?
Ans:    Pari passu charge means proportionate charge between two or more Banks over a same security/immovable properties.

20.       What is documentation? What are the consequences if there is any improper documentation?
Ans:    Creation of charge over the mortgage property that is documentation.

21.       What are the differences between Power of Attorney & Mandate?
Power of attorney                                                                   
a.         Delegation of power by registered deed  to some body to act his agent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
b.         After delegation of power principle has no signing authorities.
c.         It is always registered.
d.         Witness required.


a.         Delegation of power filling up a printed form to any body for operation of A/C.
b.         Principal & Mandate person can operate.
c.         It is not registered.
d.         Witness is not required.

22.       How can you ensure that the property is free from any encumbrance?
Ans:    By searching sub registry office & taking the NEC from authority.

23.       What is the eligible security? Which factors are included there?
Ans:    The property which are taken as collateral of the investment that is eligible security.
a.         Lien property 100%.
b.         Gold ornament 100%
c.         Govt. Bond or savings certificate 100%.
d.         Govt. Guarantee 100%
e.         Market price of easily saleable goods 50%
f.          Market price of Mortgage land& building 50%

24.       What is the classification? How many times an investment account to be rescheduled?
Ans:    Division of overdue & expired investment according to time limit that is called classification. 3 (three times)

25.       Is reschedule is essential? Why it is done in the month of December?
Ans:    Yes. Reducing non performing assets, increasing profitability.

26.       What is provisioning? Why provision is made?
Ans:    To save guard the interest of the depositors, the portion of profit which is segregated to meet up unexpected/uncertain liability. To save guard the bank interest and as per B.B circular.

27.       What is IRA? Why it is prepared?
Ans:    Investment Risk Analysis is a method of assessing risk of investment.

29.       Will fungible goods be rented out? If not why?
Ans:    No, fungible goods can not be rented out. Because this type of goods are one time used.

31.       What is project appraisal? What factors are considered in appraising a project?
Ans:    Pre-investment analysis of an investment project with a view to determine its commercial, technical, economic, financial & marketing aspects.

32.       What are the non-performing assets?
Ans:    The assets which do not generate any income is called non performing assets.

33.       How and when disbursement is allowed?
Ans:    After completion of documentation formalities properly, we may allow disbursement.

34.       What are the differences between classification & overdue?
Ans:    Overdue
a.               Expiry of due date of investment is called overdue.
b.         In case of overdue provision is not required.
c.         Compensation imposed.
d.         Overdue may classified or not.
Classified investment
a.         Division of overdue investment according to their time limit is called classified investment.
b.         Provision is required.
c.         Compensation is not impose.
d.         All classified investment are overdue.

35.       Differentiation between:
a)        Baimuajjal & Hypothecation
b)        Murabaha & Pledge
Ans:    Bai Muajjal
a.      Cash is not provide to the client. নগদ দেয়া হয় না।
b.      Profit charge one time. একবারই মুনাফা ধার্য করা হয়।
c.      Bank deals with goods ব্যাংক পন্যদ্রব্যের সাথে ডিল করে।
a.     Creation of charge over a moveable property is called Hypothecation
অস্থাবর সম্পত্তির উপর চার্জ তৈরী করা হয়।
b.     Cash provide to the client.
গ্রাহককে নগদ প্রদান করা হয়।
c.       Interest charge quarterly basis.
ত্রৈমাসিক ভিত্তিতে সুদ চার্জ করা হয়।
d.     Banks deal with money.
ব্যাংক টাকার সাথে ডিল করে।

36.       What are the investment portfolios? What factors are considered in case of portfolio of investment management?
Ans:    Allocation of fund among the investment alternative to achieve Banks goal and maximize profit and also to minimize the investment risk is called portfolio Management.
a.         Capital position
b.         Risk & profitability
c.         Tenure of deposit
d.         Credit environment
e.         Monetary & fiscal policy.

37.       What factors to be considered to allow rebate & Why?
Ans:    a.         Earlier Payment
            b.         Regular Payment

38.       In what mode we can allow cash facility to the client instead of buying & selling of goods?
Ans:.   HPSM (Real Estate)

39.       What is value addition?
Ans:    Account for gestation period is called value addition.

40.       What is mortgage & how many kinds of mortgage?
Ans:    Investment obligation secured by particular piece of property for repayment is called Mortgage.
            Mortgage are six kinds;
1.     Equitable Mortgage
2.     Registered  Mortgage
3.     English Mortgage
4.     Usufactury Mortgage

41.       What are the criteria of a good investment?
Ans:    a. Productivity
b. marketability
c. salability
d. regular payment
e. constant demand
f. efficient management
g. skilled manpower.

42.       What factors should be considered for ascertaining credit worthiness of a client?
Ans:    a. Capital b. Character c. collateral d. capacity e. Business reputation f. past performance g. social status.

43.       What formalities are to be observed against disbursement of Quard-e- Hasana & QTDR?
Ans:    Demand Promissory note, D.P note delivery letter, Pledge of TDR.

44.       When we obtain joint party D.P. Note & Double Party D.P. Note towards allowing investment?
Ans:    a. Partnership business b. Private ltd. Co c. Public ltd Co. d. Trustee etc.

45.       How many papers/documents are required to confirm the ownership of the immovable property?
Ans:    Original title deed, Khatian, Rent receipt, NEC

²       It is a commitment by the client to the bank for make payment with full trustee.

48.       What is delivery order? How many parts of delivery order?
Ans:    Delivery Order is an application by the client to bank for supply of certain amount of goods on cash payment. It has three parts.

49.       What is Purchase schedule?
Ans:    It is a document by which we ensure buying and selling of the goods, description of the goods that is purchase price and sales price are mention there.

50.       Why we charge compensation?
Ans:    We charge compensation for timely payment of investment due and safeguard the banks interest.

50.       Why compensation is haram ?
Ans:    In Islami shariah price is fixed one time not frequently. So the compensation what we charge is not justified in shariah. That is why it is haram.

51.       What is Marketing ?
Ans:    Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of  goods and services from producers to customer.

52.       What is Endorsement?
Ans:    It is the way of ownership transfer from one to another signing back page of the instrument like cheque, PO, DD etc.

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