Thursday, February 27, 2014

Viva 2014

Slogan of IBBL for 2014: Year of consolidation (অভিনন্দন) and sustainable (টেকসই) inclusive (ব্যাপক) growth (বৃদ্ধি).
Incorporation: 13 March 1983
Starting Operation: 30 March 1983
Equity: 4,300 Cr. Approx.
Authorized Capital: 2000 Cr.
Paid up capital: 1464 Approx
Earning Per Share: 4.42
Deposit: 47000 Approx.
Investment: 48000 Approx.
last branch: Lalmuhon
No. of deposit account type:
Number of  Manual: 19
Text Book on Islami Banking: sud o adhunik banking-moududi, islamer orthoniti-
PCIDSS: Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
Starting ATM Operation: August 2001, Electroways
Starting Own ATM Operation: 03/11/2009
Starting Own ATM Card: 04/11/2009
Products of Card Department:
Products of ADD:
linked Networks: Omnibus, VISA
Number of ATM Booth:
Number of ATM Card:
Number of Remittance Card:
Number of Hajj Card:
Number of VISA Card:

Regulatory Capital: Tier1 or Core Capital (Paid up capital, Statutory reserve), Tier2 or Supplementary Capital, Tier3 or Additional Supplementary Capital.

Definition of Cheque: According to N.I act 1881, section-6,

A cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable other wise than on demand.

Types of Cheque: Mainly two types- Bearer and Order. These are also two types- Open and Cross. Cross cheque is two types- General cross and Special Cross. 

Characteristic of a cheque

01. Signature & Date,

02. Specified page

03. Printed

04. Paid by ordinary currency

05. Presentation
06. Specified amount
07. 3(three) parties
08. Figure & Amount will be equal.

Post dated Cheque:
A post-dated cheque is one which bears a future date.
Antedated Cheque:
Antedated Cheque is one which bears a previous date before the date of issuing cheque book.
Stale Cheque:
Stale cheque is one which remains in circulation for more than six months.
Stop payment of Cheque:
  1. Direction comes from the account holder for stop payment
  2.  Any notice received regarding lost or stolen of cheque
  3.  Injunction imposed by the court/ tax office to stop transaction of any account.
  4. Notice received regarding death of account holder.
  5. Direction given by account holder to stop
Garneshi Order:
It is an order by the court, by which any creditor can croak any fixed amount or total amount of the debtor deposited to any third party. Third means banker.
Signature on backside of any instrument for negotiation is called endorsement.
Endorsement is five types
1. Special Endorsement: the endorser specifies the person to whom or to whose order the instrument is to be paid.
2. Blank Endorsement:   The endorser does not specify an endorse.
3. Restrictive endorsement: The endorser prohibits further endorsement.
4. Conditional endorsement: The endorser excludes his liability conditional
5. Partial endorsement: The endorser transfer of the ownership of the instrument but this is not operative for negotiation of the instrument.


 Nostro Account: Our Accounts with yours
 Vostro Account: Your Account with us

  Bank Security -(e¨vsK F‡Yi RvgvbZ) -e¨vsK FY ev বিনিয়োগের wbivcËvi Rb¨ F‡Yi  wecix‡Z    e¨vsK †h ¯’vei-A¯’vei wKsev e¨w³MZ M¨vivw›U msi¶Y K‡i, Zv‡K FY ev AMÖx‡gi RvgvbZ e‡j|
  Lien-  (c~e©¯^Z¡ ) e¨vs‡Ki FY cwi‡kva bv nIqv ch©š— e¨vsK KZ©„K FYMÖnxZv ev g‡°‡ji m¤ú` AvUK K‡i  ivLvi AwaKvi‡K e¨vs‡Ki (Lien) c~e©¯^Z¡  e‡j|

 Pledge– (cY¨`ªe¨ eÜK ) অস্থাবর সম্পদ কারো কাছে বন্ধক রাখাকে Pledge (cY¨`ªe¨ eÜK) e‡j| অর্থ্যাত বিনিয়োগ গ্রহীতা কর্তৃক কোন অস্থাবর সম্পদ বিনিয়োগের সিকিউরিটি হিসেবে ব্যাংকের কাছে বন্ধক রাখাকে প্লেজ বলে।

 Mortgage- (¯’vei m¤ú` eÜK) বিনিয়োগের সিকিউরিটি হিসেবে কোন স্থাবর সম্পদের অধিকার ব্যাংকের কাছে হস্তান্তর করাকে মর্টগেজ বলে ev ¯’vei m¤ú‡`i eÜK e‡j| রেজিস্টার্ড মর্টগেজ, ইকুইটিবল মর্টগেজ।

 Hypothecation – (`Ljnxb eÜK) FY MÖn‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ FYMÖnxZv e¨vs‡K †Kvb ¯’vei ev A¯’vei m¤úwË hw` Ggbfv‡e e&ÜK iv‡L †h, m¤úwË FYMÖnxZvi `L‡jB †_‡K hvq Zv‡K `Ljnxb eÜK e‡j| ‡h `jx‡jj gva¨‡g `Ljnxb eÜK m„wó Kiv nq Zv‡K  Letter of Hypothecation e‡j|

Inoperative account: When no operation in the AWCA for 6 (six) months & MSA, SND for 12 (twelve) months is called Inoperative Account.

Dormant Account: When no operation in the AWCA for 12 (twelve) months & MSA, for 2 (two) years is called Dormant Account.

Unclaimed Deposit Account/ Tamadi Account: No transaction for ten years, such type of account is called Tamadi Account, AOF, SS Card, & other documents relating inoperative accounts for transferred to BCD through FAD for onward submission to Bangladesh Bank.

Components of Deposits
     Cost bearing Deposits 

     Cost Free Deposits

Mudaraba Savings Deposits (MSA)
   Al Wadeeah Current Deposits (AWCA)
Mudaraba SND (MSNA)
   Profit Payable A/c
Mudaraba Term Deposits (MTDA)
   Sundry Deposits
Mudaraba Hajj Savings Deposit (MHSA)
    Non Resident Taka Deposits (NRTA)
Mudaraba Savings Bond (MSBA)
    Convertible Taka A/c
Mudaraba Special Savings(Pension)Deposits (MSSA)
    DD Payable
Mudaraba monthly Profit Deposit Scheme (MMPDSA)
    TT Payable
Mudaraba Muhor Savings Deposits (MMSA)
    PO Payable
School Mudaraba Savings Account (SMSA)
    F.C. Deposits (excluding MFCD)
Mudaraba Farmers Savings Account (MFSA)

Suspense Account:
When charging of expenditure become necessary but can not be made with due approval for the want of maturity/ supporting papers, in these cases expenditure may be incurred to the debit of Suspense account.

Sundry Account:
When the amount received by the Bank can not be credited to the relative head of accounts for certain reasons, as like wrong account number, absence of beneficiarys name. In order to overcome the above situation Bank is required to keep such type of amounts in sundry Deposit Account.

Profit Suspense Account:
Amount recovered against the profit kept in Profit suspense account is transferred to Income account after realized.

Compensation Suspense Account:
Amount recovered against the Compensation kept in Compensation Suspense Account   is transferred to Compensation Realized Account after realization the adjust of Investment..

01. External Equity-Long term & Short Term liabilities 02. Internal Equity-Owners equity & share capital

Call Money:
Interest bearing deposits repayable either on demand or after a period of notice depending upon the terms of contract.
Narrow money: Cash in hand & amount wthdrawable by cheque.
Broad money: Cash in hand & all types of deposit.
Hard Money: Other than cash but near to cash i.e. DD, Cheque, PO etc.
Balance of Trade:  
Balance of Trade of a country is a systemic record of economic transaction of visible commodities between the residents of the reporting country and the residents of the rest of the world over a specified period of time, usually one year.
Balance of Payment:  
Balance of Payment of a country is a systemic record of all economic transaction of visible & invisible commodities between the residents of the reporting country and the residents of the rest of the world over a specified period of time, generally one year.

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