Thursday, March 14, 2013

Viva Question and Answer for IBBL promotion 4

1.      Bmjvgx e¨vs‡Ki msÁv `vI|
2.     gy`vivev Kv‡K e‡j, KZ cÖKvi I wK wK?
3.     gykvivKv I GBP.wc.Gm.Gg Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
4.     wkiKvZ KZ cÖKvi I wK wK?
5.     evB mvjvg I BmwZmbvi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
6.     my` Kv‡K e‡j, KZ cÖKvi I wK wK?
7.     my` wbwl× nIqvi 2wU AvqvZ D‡j­L Ki“b|
8.     hvKvZ diR nIqvi kZ© wK?
9.     hvKvZ e¨‡qi LvZ mg~n wK wK?
10.  Bmjvgx AvB‡bi Drm wK wK?
11.   AvnKv‡g kiv wK?
12.  IRy, †Mvmj I ZvBq¨vgyg-Gi diR mg~n wK wK?
13.  e¨vs‡K kixqv jsN‡bi cÖK…wZ I aib †Kgb?
14.  e¨vs‡K kixqv jsN‡bi KviY wK?
15.  e¨vs‡K kixqv cwicvj‡b KiYxq wK wK?
16.  Ab¨ e¨vs‡Ki PjwZ wnmv‡ei mv‡_ Bmjvgx e¨vs‡Ki Avj Iqvw`qv PjwZ wnmv‡ei cv_©K¨ wK?
17.  my‡`i Kzdjmg~n D‡j­L Ki“b|
18.  my` I gybvdvi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
19.  gyivevnv wewb‡qvM c×wZi ˆewkó¨ I kZ© mg~n D‡j­L Ki“b|
20.  gy`vivev I gykvivKvi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
21.  BRviv I GBP.wc.Gm.Gg. Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
22.  Negotiable Instrument
23.  Share & Equity
24.  Bonus Share
25.  Cash Flow & Fund Flow
26.  Holder in due course
27.  Different between capital
28.  Stale bill of lading /clause bill of lading
29.  Mutual fund
30.  IRA
31.  Break even point
32.  Inflation
33.  Fixed cost & variable cost
34.  SWAP
35.  Protection Trade, Free Trade
36.  Balance of Payment/Trade
37.  EFAS

1.      e¨vsK ZvwjKv fz³ nIqvi kZ©vejx wK wK?
DËit     1) AvBbvbyM msMVb t 1962 mv‡ji e¨vswKs †Kv¤úvbx Aa¨v‡`‡ki 5(M) aviv Abyhvqx e¨vsK‡K cÖPwjZ AvB‡bi
    Aax‡b †iwRóvW© n‡Z n‡e|
2) g~jab I msiw¶Z Znwej t 1962 mv‡j †Kv¤úvbx AvB‡bi aviv g‡Z Bnvi g~jab I msiw¶Z Znwej me©wbæ
     50 j¶ n‡Z n‡e|
3) bM` A_© msi¶Y t ZvwjKv fz³ e¨vsK¸‡jv‡K Zv‡`i Rvgvb‡Zi GKwU wbw`©ó nvi bM` A_© evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡K
    ivL‡Z n‡e|
4) MÖvn‡Ki `vex I Ab¨vb¨ LiPv`x wgUv‡bvi R‡b¨ cÖ‡Z¨K Zdwmjx e¨vs‡K Zv‡`i Rvgvb‡Zi GKwU wbw`©ó Ask
    wjKzBW G‡mU wn‡m‡e ivL‡Z n‡e|

2.  AvgvbZ wK?
DËi t    MÖvnK‡`i KvQ †_‡K M„nxZ A_©‡K AvgvbZ e‡j| Bmjvgx e¨vsK Avj Iqv`xqv bxwZi wfwˇZ PjwZ wnmv‡e AvgvbZ MÖnY K‡i _v‡K| Avj Iqv`xqvn n‡”Q e¨env‡ii AbygwZ mn AvgvbZ ivLv| Avi gy`vivev bxwZi wfwˇZ mÂqx wnmv‡e AvgvbZ MÖnY K‡i| †m AvgvbZKvixMY n‡”Qb cuywRi gvwjK Ges e¨vsK n‡”Q D‡`¨v³v

3. Bmjvgx e¨vs‡Ki GKvD›U mg~n
K. Avj-Iqvw`qv PjwZ wnmve
L. gy`vivev †gqv`x wnmve
M. gy`vivev we‡kl (†cbkb) ¯‹xg
N. gy`vivev gvwmK gybvdv wfwËK wnmve
O. †¯úkvj †bvwUk wnmve
P. gy`vivev d‡ib Kv‡iwÝ wnmve
Q. gy`vivev †gvni wnmve

4. wnmve †Lvjvi c×wZt
K. †hŠ_ wnmve- wnmvewU KqR‡bi ¯^v¶‡i cwiPvwjZ n‡e Zv dig-G D‡j­L Ki‡Z nq|
L. e¨vw³ gvwjKvbvaxb dv‡g©i wnmve- †UªW jvB‡mÝ, Qwe I mxj †gvni _vK‡Z n‡e|
M. †hŠ_ Kviev‡ii wnmve- GKvD›U †Lvjvi dig-G mKj Askx`v‡ii ¯^v¶i w`‡Z n‡e| Qwe mshy³ Ki‡Z n‡e| KqR‡bi ¯^v¶‡i wnmve cwiPvwjZ n‡e Zv D‡j­L _vK‡Z n‡e| cvU©bvikxc `wjj mshy³ Ki‡Z n‡e|
N. wjwg‡UW †Kv¤úvbx- †g‡gv‡iÛvg Ges AvwU©‡Kj Ae G‡mvwm‡qkb, R‡qb ÷K †Kv¤úvbx †_‡K Bmy¨K…Z BbKi‡cv‡ikb mvwU©wd‡KU, †iRy‡jkb, Qwe, wnmve cwiPvjbvi wb‡`©kbv _vK‡Z n‡e|
O. Ae¨emvqx cÖwZôvb- di‡gi mv‡_ cÖwZôv‡bi †g‡gv‡iÛvg, †iRy‡jkb, MVbZš¿, mxj I Qwe Rgv w`‡Z n‡e|
P. c`©vbkxj gwnjvi wnmve- gwnjvi gyniig †Kvb cyi“‡li Øviv Qwe mZ¨vwqZ K‡i w`‡Z n‡e Ges weevwnZ n‡j ¯^vgxi we¯ZvwiZ Z_¨vejx wb‡Z n‡e|

5. Wi‡g›U wnmve Kv‡K e‡j?
Kv‡i›U GKvD›U 6 gvm Ges mÂqx wnmve 24 gvm †jb‡`b bv Ki‡j G wnmve‡K Wi‡g›U wnmve e‡j|

6. Zvgvw` wnmve Kv‡K e‡j?
†Kvb wnmv‡e 10 ermi †jb‡`b bv _vK‡j G wnmve Zvgvw` wnmve n‡q hvq| dvÛ e­K-G †µwWU K‡i GKvD›U eÜ Ki‡Z nq|

7. AW©vi †PK Kv‡K e‡j?
wbw`©ó KvD‡K †c‡g›U Kivi Rb¨ hLb †Kvb †P‡K wb‡`©kbv _v‡K ZLb H †PK-‡K AW©vi †PK e‡j|
8. weqvivi †PK Kv‡K e‡j?
†PK Gi gvwjK Qvov ‡P‡Ki evn‡K Pvwnev gvÎ †c‡g›U †`qvi wb‡`©k‡K weqvivi †PK e‡j|
9. †Lvjv †PK Kv‡K e‡j?
†h †PK-G †Kvb `vM KvUv _v‡K bv Zv‡K †Lvjv †PK e‡j|
10. †cvó †W‡UW †PK Kv‡K e‡j?
†PK Bmy¨i w`‡bi Zvwi‡Li cwie‡Z© fwel¨‡Zi †Kvb ZvwiL wjwLZ †PK‡K †cvó ‡W‡UW †PK e‡j|

11. Gw›U †W‡UW †PK Kv‡K e‡j?
hw` †Kvb †P‡Ki ZvwiL †PK Bm¨y Zvwi‡Li c~‡e©i ZvwiL nq Zv‡K Gw›U †W‡UW †PK e‡j|

12. †ój †PK Kv‡K e‡j?
6 gv‡mi †ekx mgq AwZµvš— n‡j H †PK‡K †ój †PK e‡j|

13. g„Z e¨vw³i wnmv‡ei UvKv †Zvjvi c×wZ wK?
†W_ mvwU©wd‡KU, †Pqvig¨vb/IqvW© Kwgkbv‡ii mvwU©wd‡KU, mvK‡mmvb mvwU©wd‡KU, ÷¨v¤ú-G AvB‡WbwUwU, ¯’vbxq †Pqvig¨b/IqvW© Kwgkbvi KZ©„K mZ¨vwqZ Qwe Rgv w`‡Z n‡e|

14. What is the daily news papers related to Economy?
The Financial Express, Economist, Arthokatha

15. Name of the Top Ten Investment Clients of IBBL.
i.          M/s. Noman Group                 199.00 Cr.       Paltan Br.
ii.         M/s. Abul Khair Group          183.00 Cr.       Khatun Gonj
iii.       M/s. Youth Group                  168.64 Cr.       Local Office
iv.        M/s. Tania Textile Group       165.75 Cr.       Local Office
v.         M/s. Rahim Steel Mills          150.00 Cr.       HOC Br.
vi.        M/s. B.R.B. Group, Kushtia   143.00 Cr.       Kushtia Br.
vii.       M/s. R.M. Steel                      112.00 Cr.       Bangshal Br.
viii.     M/s. Utah Group                       84.50 Cr.       Local Office
ix.        M/s. Alana Group                     81.83 Cr.       Local Office
x.         M/s. Alif Group                        75.82 Cr.       Local Office

16. Name of Top Ten Defaulter Clients of IBBL.
Name of the Clients
Sanction amount in million
Due amount in million
Nature Dairy Industries
Milon Apparels
Local office
Ideal Textile Ltd.
Abdul High & Brothers
Cresent Enterprise
General Distribution Co.
Mahibur Rahman
M.K. Corporation

Abbas & Sons
Bangladesh Knitting
Local Office
Pioneer Garments
Local Office

17.       Total Deposit of IBBL
20,106 Crore 31.12.08

18.       Total Investment of IBBL
            19,865 Crore 31.12.08

19.       Income of IBBL (up to Dec. 2008)
Total = 832 Cr.
Import = 16833 Cr
Export = 9396 Cr.
Remittance = 14040 Cr.
Total Branch of IBBL = 196
Total AD Br. of IBBL = 28
Country Ranking of IBBL= 5
Number 1 Bank of the world: 1) Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Tokyo, Japan 2) Deutche Bank AG, Germany 3) Bayerichi Hypo-unel Veri, Germany.

3. Main L/C documents:
a. Bill of Lading
b. Invoice / Com. Invoice
c. Bill of Exchange
d. Certificate of Origin
e. Packing list

4. Validity of LCA form:
i) 17 months for machinery and spare parts
ii) 9 months for all ites

7. Deferred payment L/C

8. What is the meaning of Foreign Exchange? (Foreign Currency)

1. Bmjvgx A_© e¨e¯’vq wewb‡qvM c×wZ KZ cÖKvi I wK wK?
2. evB-gyivevnv I evB-gyqv¾vj Gi g‡a¨ †gŠwjK cv_©K¨ wK? gyivevnv‡Z gv‡ji gvwjK †K?
3. evB-gykvivKv I nvqvi cvi‡PR wkiKvZzj wgj&K Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
4. †P‡Ki †¶‡Î ÔbU UªvÝdviGejÔ Ges ÔbU †b‡Mvwm‡qejÔ Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
5. †c­R, nvBcw_‡Kkb I gU©‡M‡Ri g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
6. M¨vivw›U I Bb‡WwgwbwUi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
7. Av‡`k †PK wK? GUv wKfv‡e †c‡g›U w`‡Z nq?
8. Gj/wm Kq cÖKvi? we.we. Gj/wm †Lvjvi c×wZ wK?
9. ¸W Bb‡f÷‡g›U Gi µvB‡Uwiqv wK?
10. e¨vsK wK UvKvi e¨emv K‡i?
11. AvB.we.we.Gj g¨vby‡qj KqwU I wK wK?
12. Bmjvgx A_©bxwZ wel‡qi K‡qKwU eB‡qi bvg D‡j­L Ki“b|
13. mg-mvgwqK †`kxq ivR‰bwZK NUbvejx ZË¡veavqK miKv‡ii Kg©KvÛ GKUv `j †Kb we‡ivaxZv K‡i‡Q?
14. BD‡iv wK? BD‡iv †g¤^vi Kvw›Uª KqwU I wK wK?
15. †nvqvU BR K¤úyUvi? wWcvBb nvW©Iqvi, mÞIqvi GÛ dvg©Iqvi|
16. i¨vg = †ibWg GK‡mm †g‡gvwi GÛ †ivg = wiW Abwj †g‡gvwi
17. my` m¤úwK©Z cweÎ †KviAv‡bi AvqvZ mg~n wK wK?

1. What is General Banking?
2. Why Incomes are in liability side & Expenditure in Asset side of G.L.?
3. Prepaid Expenses & Outstanding Expenses?
4. What is the difference between Equity & Liquidity?
5. What is special crossing & Normal crossing?
6. What is the difference between Bai-Muazzal & Bai-Murabaha T.R.?
7. What is weightage for calculation of profit rate?
8. What is CRR & SLR
9. What is Letter of Credit?
10. How many kinds of Letter of Credit?

1. Av‡`k †PK wK? GUv wKfv‡e †c‡g›U w`‡Z nq?
2. †Kv¤úvbx GKvD›U I dvg© GKvD›U †Lvjvi wbqgvejx wK wK?
3. wWD, IfviwWD, AvDU÷¨vwÛs Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
4. GW Kbdvi‡gkb wK?
5. †iW K¬R, MÖxb K¬R wK?
6. kixqv †jc‡mm †Kv_vq †Kv_vq nq?
7. Bmjvgx e¨vs‡Ki msÁv
8. g‡Wj eªv wK? g‡Wj eªv‡Âi ˆewkó¨ wK?

Bmjvgx e¨vswKs welqK eBt
eB‡qi bvg
Bmjvg I A_©‰bwZK Dbœqb
Wt Gg. Dgi Pvciv
Bmjvg I A_©‰bwZK P¨v‡jÄ
Bmjvgx A_©bxwZ
mvB‡q` Aveyj AvÔjv gI`~`x
my` I AvaywbK e¨vswKs
Bmjvg I AvaywbK A_©‰bwZK gZev`
kwiq‡Zi `„wó‡Z Askx`vix Kvievi
W. bv¾vZzj­vn wmwÏKx
Bmjv‡gi A_©bxwZ
gvIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg
Bmjvgx e¨vsK GKwU DbœZi e¨vsK e¨e¯’v
Aa¨vcK gynv¤§` kixd †nvmvBb
Bmjvgx A_©bxwZi Av‡jvPbv cÖm½
†kL dRjyi ingvb
Bmjvgx A_©‰bwZK e¨e¯’v
gvIjvbv wndRyi ingvb
A Hand Book of Islami Banking
Haider Ali Miah
Bmjvgx e¨emv-evwYR¨ I e¨vswKs Gi iƒc‡iLv
gvI: †gv: dRjyi ingvb Avkivdx
d‡ib G·‡PÄ I Avš—R©vwZK evwYR¨ A_©vqb
ˆmq` Avkivd Avjx
Bmjvgx AvBbZË¡
m¨vi Avãyi inxg
1994 mv‡ji †Kv¤úvbx AvBb
wbg©‡j›`y ai
gwReyi ingvb
Bmjvgx e¨vswKs GÛ Bbmy¨‡iÝ
Proceeding and paper's International Seminar held in Dhaka on 27th October 1989

e¨vsK, e¨vsKvi, e¨vswKs
BKevj Kwei †gvnb
e¨vsK e¨e¯’vcbv
Wt G Avi Lvb
e¨vsK I Avw_©K cÖwZôvb mg~‡ni Kvh©vejx, 2000-01
A_© wefvM, A_© gš¿Yvjq
evsjv‡`k A_©‰bwZK mgx¶v 2001
A_© wefvM
AvaywbK e¨vswKs
BKevj Kwei †gvnb
Bmjvgx exgv e¨e¯’v
Gg. ZvRyj Bmjvg
Bmjv‡gi A_© e›Ub e¨e¯’v
gvIjvbv gydwZ gynv¤§` kdx

1.     Why compensation is Haram?
2.     Classified investment position of different Banks
3.     Big Investment party
4.     Overdue position
5.     Recovery suggestion
6.     Human resource development
7.     How to improve the recovery position of IBBL?
8.     Per capita income of different leading countries
9.     What are the Political, Economic & Social impact of Sept-11 incident?
10.  ATM connection/MIS/I.T. effects on IBBL
11.  Spread over of Investment
12.  Shock absorbing capacity
13.  Call money market
14.  How embezzlement of fund occurred at Sylhet Branch?
15.  What is the criteria for valuation of Land?
16.  Top ten defaulter of IBBL
17.  Top ten defaulter of Country
18.  Why Compensation is not taken into income?
19.  How many conditions in Bai-Salam?
20.  Why buying and selling of F.C. is Halal?
21.  ATM & On line Banking
22.  Fund transfer mechanism
23.  How long are you in the service?
24.  What is the impact of Sept-11 incident in our Economy?
25.  How do you view the situation of surplus fund of IBBL?
26.  What are the management techniques to be adopted in a bank industry?
27.  How maximum result could be attain through minimum manpower?
28.  What is Specialization? How Japan is godfather?
29.  Japanese style of management
30.  Bill Gates business @ speed of thought
31.  Use of Computer
32.  How business could be increased through IT?
33.  What is investment risk?
34.  How a project is appraised?
35.  Different between Shirkat & Shirkatul Mealk?
36.  Why Mudaraba profit is not interest?
37.  Why more daughter for an accountants?
38.  Why I look more old then you?
39.  What is the difference of Fund management, Liquidity management & Portfolio Management?
40.  Difference between fees & commission
41.  Scale of charges

wewb‡qvM (Investment)

1|       Bmjvgx e¨vs‡Ki wewb‡qvM c×wZ KZ cÖKvi I wK wK?
2|      Bmjvgx e¨vsK wewb‡qv‡Mi KqwU †gbyqvj †ei K‡i‡Q|
3|      evB gyivevnv ej‡Z wK eySvq?
4|      evB †gvqv‡¾j ej‡Z wK eySvq?
5|      evB mvjvg ej‡Z wK eySvq?
6|      BmwZmbv ej‡Z wK eySvq?
7|      gy`vivev ej‡Z wK eySvq?
8|      gykvivKv ej‡Z wK eySvq?
9|      nhiZ gynv¤§` (m:) I nhiZ wewe Lvw`Rv (iv:) Gi g‡a¨ †h e¨emv wQj Zv †Kvb †gv‡Wi wQj?
10|     gy`vivev I gykvivKvi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
11|     evB gyivevnv I evB gyqv‡¾j Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK wK?
12|     ‡c­R I nvB‡cvw_‡Kkb ej‡Z wK eySvq?
13|     M¨vivw›U I Bg‡WgwbwUi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
14|     cvi‡PR wmwWDj wK Ges †Kb?
15|     Uªvó wiwmÞ KLb cÖ‡qvRb nq Ges †Kb?
16|     ‡Wwjfvix AW©vi wK Ges †Kb?
17|     ‡jUvi Ae wWm‡K¬Bgvi KLb cÖ‡qvRb nq Ges †Kb?
18|     g‡M©R KZ cÖKvi I wK wK?
19|     gykvivKv KZ cÖKvi I wK wK?
20|     nvqvi cvi‡PR wkjKvZzj wgjK ej‡Z wK eySvq?
21|     wjR dvBbvwÝs ej‡Z wK e~Svq?
22|     Auction Sale ej‡Z wK eySvq? Bmjvgx e¨vs‡Ki GKwU wewb‡qvM c×wZ|
23|     GKRb fvj wewb‡qvM MÖvnK wbe©vP‡b †Kvb& welq¸‡jv †`Lv `iKvi|
24|     NOC wK?
25|     Charge create to Registrar of Joint Stock Companies on party's/client debt.
26|     Deed of Mortgage.
27|     Power of Attorney.
28|     Memorandum of deposit of Title Deed.
29|     Redemption Deed/Deed of Redemption.

‰e‡`wkK wewbgq
1|       L/C ej‡Z wK eySvq?
2|      L/C ‡Lvjvi cÖ‡qvRb nq †Kb?
3|      AD -Gi kvLvi KvR wK?
4|      Foreign Exchange Business ej‡Z wK eySvq?
5|      Foreign Currency ej‡Z wK eySvq?
6|      IRC ej‡Z wK eySvq?
7|      Com. Invoice/Indent wK?
8|      LCA Form ej‡Z wK eySvq?
9|      PSI wK Ges †Kb? (Pre-Shipment Inspection)
10|     HS Code wK?
11|     Bill of Exchange ej‡Z wK eySvq?
12|     Certificate of origin wK Ges †Kb?
13|     Packing list wK Ges †Kb?
14|     Deferred payment of L/C ej‡Z wK eySvq?
15|     L/C Expiry ej‡Z wK eySvq?
16|     Importer Ges Beneficiary Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
17|     Shiper Kvnv‡K e‡j?
18|     Shipment ej‡Z wK eySvq?
19|     Bill of Lading wK?
20|     Bill of Lading, Air Way Bill Ges Truck receipt Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
21|     Main L/C documents wK wK?
22|     Insurance cover note wK Ges †Kb?
23|     Shipping gvK© wK †Kb?
24|     Ship Birthing ej‡Z wK eyS?
25|     Bill of Entry wK?
26|     Lodgment & Retirement of Documents ej‡Z wK eySvq?
27|     Add confirmation wK Ges †Kb?
28|     ACU wK?
29|     Mother Vessel wK?
30|     Stand by Letter of Credit wK Ges †Kb?
31|     Foreign Corresponding Bank ej‡Z wK eySvq?
32|     Reimbursement ej‡Z wK eySvq?
33|     NOSTRO A/C I VOSTRO A/C wK Ges †Kb?
34|     F.C.C. ej‡Z wK eySvq?
35|     L/C Amendment KLb I †Kb Ki‡Z nq?
36|     Part shipment      
37|     Transshipment
38|     Non-negotiable documents
39|     VAT Registration Certificate

General Banking

1|       ‡K›`ªxq e¨vsK ev evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki mvaviY Kvh©vejx wK wK?
2|      evsjv‡`k e¨vsK wK wK cš’vq FY wbqš¿Y K‡i?
3|      evwYwR¨K e¨vs‡Ki cÖwZwbwaZ¡g~jK Kvh©vejx wK wK?
4|      Bmjvgx e¨vs‡K Avj Iqvw`qv PjwZ wnmve Ges cÖPwjZ e¨vs‡Ki PjwZ wnmv‡ei g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
5|      GKwU bZzb wnmve (MSA) ‡Lvjvi †¶‡Î cwiPq`vbKvixi ¯^v¶i †bqvi ¸i“Z¡|
6|      wK wK Kvi‡Y †Kvb& †Kvb& e¨w³ e¨vs‡K wnmve †Lvjvi †hvM¨Zv nvivq?
7|      GKwU wjwg‡UW †Kv;/Uªv÷ wnmve Gi bv‡g wnmve Lyj‡Z wK wK KvMRc‡Îi cÖ‡qvRb nq|
8|      KLb GKwU †PK wb¯Œxq (Dormant) nq Ges KLb Zv Zvgvw` nq?
9|      ‡PK Kv‡K e‡j? GKwU †P‡Ki K‡qKwU ˆewkó¨ D‡j­L Ki“b|
10|     evnK †PK Ges AW©vi †P‡Ki g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ Ki“b|
11|     n¯—vš—i †hvM¨ `wjj Kv‡K e‡j? D`vniY w`b|
12|     mvaviY `vM KvUv †PK Ges we‡kl `vMKvUv †P‡Ki g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK?
13|     Not Transeferable Ges Not Negotiable Cheque Gi cv_©K¨|
14|     Endorsement Kv‡K e‡j? Clearing House-G wewfbœ cÖKvi Instrument cvVv‡Z wK wK Endorsement ‡`qv nq|
15|     wnmv‡ei †MvcbxqZv i¶v Kiv e¨vsKv‡ii `vwqZ¡ e¨vL¨v Ki“b|
16|     wnmv‡e ch©vß w¯’wZ _vKv m‡Ë¡I wK wK Kvi‡Y †PK †dir †`qv nq|
17|     g„Z e¨w³i wnmv‡ei UvKv D‡Ëvj‡bi c×wZ eY©bv Ki“b|
18|     e¨vs‡Ki †mU Ad ivBU ej‡Z wK eySvq?
19|     Payment in due course ej‡Z wK eySvq?
20|     ‡PK I WªvdU Gi cv_©K¨ wK?
21|     P.O./D.D. nvwi‡q †M‡j Duplicate P.O./D.D. Bmy¨ Kivi c×wZ eY©bv Ki“b|
22|     Av`vqKvixi e¨vs‡Ki `vwqZ¡ wK wK? cÖ`vbKvixi e¨vs‡Ki `vwqZ¡ wK wK?
23|     Clearing House Gi Kvh©vejx eY©bv Ki“b| Same Day Clearing Gi myweav¸wj wK wK?
24|     cv_©K¨ eY©bv Ki“b|
          (a)      Mandate-Power of Attorney
          (d)      ‡hŠ_ wnmve-Askx`vix wnmve
          (e)      Post dated-Antedated
          (f)       Bmjvgx e¨vsK-cÖPwjZ e¨vsK
          (g)      gybvdv-my`
          (h)      evnK †PK-Av‡`k †PK
25|     Any one can operate the account/Either or Survivor we‡kl wb‡`©k w`‡q Avgiv wnmve cwiPvjbvq wK cv_©K¨ Kwi?
26|     Askx`vix Kviev‡ii GKRb Askx`vi gviv †M‡j ev †`Dwjqv n‡j e¨vsKv‡ii KiYxq wK wK?
27|     wb‡gœv³ `wjjvw`i †KvbwU wewbgq‡hvM¨/Awewbgq‡hvM¨ bq e¨vL¨v Ki“b|
          cÖwZi¶v mÂq cÎ
² cÖvc‡Ki wnmv‡ei †iLvswKZ †PK
² n¯—vš—‡ii A‡hvM¨ †iLvswKZ †PK
² w¯’i AvgvbZ iwk`
² Share Warrant
² Payment Order
² Dividend Warrant
28|     e¨vs‡Ki Authoriesed Capital Paid up Capital ej‡Z wK ey‡Sb?
29|     Contingent Liability ej‡Z wK eySvq?
30|     Joint & Several Liability ej‡Z wK eySvq?
31|     What is endorsement? How many kinds of endorsement?
32|     Importance of introduction
33|     Who can introduce an A/c?
34|     How to open a following A/C:
             School, College, Madrasha, Trust, Public Ltd. Co. Private ltd. Co. Autonomous,           minor, Pardansil Ladies,  Joint A/c illiterate person, Partnership A/c, Liquidator,        Official receiver.  
35|     When bank close the A/C without client application.

36|     What is negotiable instrument.? Types of negotiable instrument.
37|     What is endorsement? How many types endorsement?
38|     What is crossing ? Types of crossing.
39|     What is the difference between  not negotiable & not transferable?
40|     What is money laundering ? As a Banker how, you prevent laundering             Activities.
41|     Describe the important features of Artho Rin adalat.
42|     What is the difference between conventional banking Vs Islami Banking?
43|     When bank close the A/c without client application.

General Issues

1|       SLR, CRR, CAR e¨vL¨v Ki“b|
2|      Bank Rate ej‡Z wK eySvq? eZ©gvb Bank Rate KZ?
3|      Statutory Reserve wK? eZ©gvb nvi KZ?
4|      Window Dressing ej‡Z wK eySvq?
5|       What are the difference between  stock market & money market & capital Market?
6|       Give a short description of the strength & weakness of your Branch regarding investment.
7|       What are the features of your Branch?
8|       Why you called model Branch to H.O.C?
9|       What are the features of a corporate Branch?
10|     Major problems of Banking sector

Investment Portfolio

1.         How you induct an investment client?
2.         Would you induct a politically exposed person as your investment client? Please comment?
3.         Is it mandatory to maintain a current A/C with your branch to induct a prospective investment client?
4.         How you process a composite investment proposal of Tk. 100.00 crore & above?
5.         How you will evaluate the valuation of mortgaged property?
6.         What are the precautions should be taken in valuation of collateral property to be mortgaged?
7.         What are the main documents related to immovable property, land & building?
8.         Within how many days you will issue a sanction letter to the client after receiving it from Head Office?
9.         What are the consequences of not taking the acceptance in the sanction advice by the client?
10.       What are the consequences of improper documentation of investment?
11.       What is the DP Note? Why it is obtained?
12.       Why DP Note Delivery Letter is taken?
13.       What are the charge documents?
14.       In what cases Letter of Disclaimer is obtained?
15.       Within how many days charge is to be created with RJSC in case of Ltd. Company?
16.       What is the difference between equitable & registered mortgage?
17.       What are the risks should be covered in insurance policy?
18.       What is Bank's mortgage clause? What does it meant?
19.       What is Pari-passu charge?
20.       What is documentation? What are the consequences if there is any improper documentation?
21.       What are the differences between Power of Attorney & Mandate?
22.       How can you ensure that the property is free from any encumbrance?
23.       What is the eligible security? Which factors are included there?
24.       What is the classification? How many times an investment account to be rescheduled?
25.       Is reschedule is essential? Why it is done in the month of December?
26.       What is provisioning? Why provision is made?
27.       What is IRA? Why it is prepared?
28.       What is business risk? How it is ascertained?
29.       Will fungible goods be rented out? If not why?
30.       What is loan & investment? Is there any difference between the two terms?
31.       What is project appraisal? What factors are considered in appraising a project?
32.       What are the non-performing assets?
33.       How and when disbursement is allowed?
34.       What are the differences between classification & overdue?
35.       Differentiation between:
a)        Baimuajjal & Hypothecation
b)        Murabaha & Pledge
36.       What are the investment portfolios? What factors are considered in case of portfolio of investment management?
37.       What factors to be considered to allow rebate & Why?
38.       In what mode we can allow cash facility to the client instead of buying & selling of goods?
39.       What is value addition?
40.       What is mortgage & how many kinds of mortgage?
41.       What are the criteria of a good investment?
42.       What factors should be considered for ascertaining credit worthiness of a client?
43.       What formalities are to be observed against disbursement of Quard-e- Hasana & QTDR?
44.       When we obtain joint party D.P. Note & Double Party D.P. Note towards allowing investment?
45.       How many papers/documents are required to confirm the ownership of the immovable property?
46.       Considering what grounds, you may regret an investment proposal from your table at an initial stage?

47.       What is delivery order? How many parts of delivery order?
48.       What is purchased schedule?
49.       What is pledge & collateral?
50.       Why compensation is charged?
51.       What is lien & bank guarantee?
52.       What is indemnity?
53.       Why an investment account becomes overdue?
54.       What is investment?
55.       What is bridge financing & consortium?
56.       What is demand loan?
57.       How many Laws & Acts are related to investment operations?
58.       What is the basis of provisions?
59.       What is time barred?
60.       What is TR? Is there any difference between TR & Baimuajjal?
61.       What are the consequences of under stamping of documentation?
62.       What is documentation?
63.       How many kinds of security?
64.       What is Private & Public Ltd. Company?
65.       When certification of commencement is needed?
66.       What is share & debenture?
67.       What is Arthorin Adalat? From when it is functioning?
68.       How many clauses are there in Arthorin Adalat?
69.       What is rebate? When it is allowed?
70.       Why Mudaraba & Musharaka business is risky in the context of Bangladesh, though these are the very ideal mode of Islami Banking?
71.       What is Shirkat? How many kinds of Shirkat?
72.       What is Ijarah? How many kind of Ijarah?
73.       What is the difference between Ijarah & Shirkat?
74.       What are the charge documents to be taken in case of HPSM investment?
75.       Is it justified to charge rent at the time of gestation period in the mode of HPSM? Please comment.
76.       What are the characteristics of HPSM investment?
77.       How would you ascertain the classification status of HPSM (RE) investment?
78.       Why do we proceed investment in HPSM mode for construction of a building instead of Baimuajjal mode?
79.       Why collateral security is required in case of HPSM investment though the asset is acquired jointly?
80.       What is document execution Register? Why it is maintained?
81.     What are the differences of following:
          (a)      Guarantee-Indemnity
          (b)      Simple Mortgage-Registered Mortgage
          (c)      Lien-Set off
82.       What is Riba? How many kinds of Riba? Please explain the difference between Riba Fadal and Riba Nasia.
83.       How many conditions are needed for buying & selling? Explain it.
84.       What is the differences are following issues?
    1. Pledge & Hypothecation.
    2. Murabaha & Pledge.
    3. Muajjal & Hypothecation
    4. Mortgage & charge documents
    5. Baimuazzal & Baimurabaha
    6. Bai Salam & Ishtina
    7. Mudaraba & Musharaka
                  h.    HPSM & HP
85.       What we take letter of disclaimer?
86.       Explain the present investment infrastructure of our country.
87.       What do you mean by REPO & REVIRS REPO?
88.       What is the extra papers are taken to finance in dealership business ?

Foreign Exchange

1.         What is Foreign Exchange?
2.         What is AD?
3.         What is the requirement of an AD?
4.         What are the foreign regulations for Foreign Exchange?
5.         What are the local regulations for Foreign Exchange?
6.         What is an L/C?
7.         State different types of commercial L/C.
8.         State different types of non-commercial L/C.
9.         State different types of L/C's considering source of fund.
10.       State different parties of a Doc. Credit?
11.       Explain ``Incoterm''
12.       What is the difference between proforma invoice & indent?
13.       What is the difference between proforma invoice & com. invoice?
14.       Why A.S. code is maintained?
15.       What is multimodal transport document?
16.       What Loro A/C?
17.       Define various modes/types of export.
18.       State the procedures of Advising of an L/C.
19.       State the procedures of transferring of an L/C.
20.       Requirement documents of an exporter.
21.       State the procedures of export.
22.       What is the risk in IBP?
23.       What action should be taken against export proceeds realization defaulter?
24.     Mother Vessel
25.     Stand by Letter of Credit
26.     Foreign Corresponding Bank
27.     Foreign Correspondence.
28.       Have any difference between LIM & MPI ?

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